Greys Australia - Traffic Engineering Consultancy - Greys Traffic Engineering Consultancy

T: (02) 9809 2299
M: 0456 789 047
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Traffic Impact Assessment
Traffic Impact Assessments
Greys Consulting Traffic Impact Assessment reports support various forms of urban development. As one of the most experienced practitioners of traffic impact assessment for various DAs in Australia, we practice the standard scope and function of these kinds of studies. The skills and professionalism of our consultants and the value of the analytical tools and databases we have created to support our practice are reflected in an exemplary track record of resolving transportation issues to the satisfaction of both our client and the reviewing agencies. We are experienced in preparing Traffic Impact Assessment reports for several types of developments, including:
Childcare Centres
Medical Centres & Dental Clinics
High, Medium and Low Density Residential Developments
Drive-thru Restaurants & Fast Food Outlets
Places of Worship
Mixed-use Developments
Composting Facilities
Aged Care Facilities
Affordable Accommodation Developments and Boarding Houses
Hotels, Motels, Taverns
Warehouse, Retail, Factories and Commercial Premises
Gymnasiums & Indoor Recreation Premises
Additions & Alterations to Existing Developments
Greys Traffic Impact Assessment Services

preliminary site assessment and transportation capacity assessment
site access location, design and implications for off-site improvements
compliance against relevant Australian Standards and Councils DCPs and providing design advice
traffic and transit trip generation and distribution patterns
driveway sightline assessment
driveway access and form assessment
swept path plans using AutoTURN
access operations and signal warrants
intersection capacity analysis
representation at public meetings and council approval process meetings
expert witness testimony at provincial and tribunal appeal board hearings
Prepare objection Letters to Councils/TfNSW
peer review traffic impact assessment report

Why Greys?
negotiation of clearly defined terms of reference satisfactory to both the reviewing agencies and the client
cost-effective provision of comprehensive documentation required by reviewing agencies
expertise in the planning approval process in most jurisdictions
state-of-the-art site design process, analytical techniques and physical design solutions to deal with recurring issues of off-site impact, site access requirements and intersection optimisation
effective public presentations and expert testimony as required
peer review reports in objection to particular developments and planning proposals
(02) 9809 2299
0456 789 047
SAT-SUN closed
Construction Traffic Management Plan
Swept Path Diagrams
AS2890 Parking Design
EV Charging Stations
Parking OC & CC

Road Safety Audit
Expert Witness
Sidra Modelling
Crash Investigations

Traffic Impact Assessment
Childcare Centres
Medical Centres
Residential Developments
Drive-thru Restaurants
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