Traffic Engineering
Greys Traffic Engineering Services
Greys Consulting is your trusted partner for a wide range of traffic-related services. Our Company, led by accredited CPEng and NSW PE traffic engineers, is dedicated to meeting our clients' needs. We offer a comprehensive suite of transportation-related design and planning services, utilising the latest technological methods. By choosing Greys Consulting, you can receive the following traffic engineering services:
Traffic and Transport Impact Assessments for DAs
Construction Traffic Management Plans
Traffic Management Plans
Parking Compliance Check / Construction Certificate / Occupation Certificate
Traffic Control Plans
Microsimulation Modelling
Local Traffic and Transport Studies
Parking Studies
Road Safety Audits and Assessments
NSW PE Design Certification
Traffic and Transport Expert Witness
Swept Path Diagrams using AutoTURN
Professional Advice on Legal Matters Associated with Right of Carriageway Matters (Battle Axe Properties)
EV Charging Station Parking Design Advice in various developments