RPEQ Certification
Worker’s interaction with construction and passing traffic represents one of the greatest risk factors on any roadwork worksite. Ensuring the safety of our workers and road users is our highest priority at all times.
Registered Professional Engineers in Queensland (RPEQ) play an important role in traffic management design as outlined in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Part 3: Works on roads.
The Department of Transport and Mainroads expects that less than 10% of full TMPs/TGSs will require RPEQ sign-off. It is important to note that an RPEQ can be asked to sign-off on elements of a TMP or TGS that are above or below MUTCD requirements, or for innovative treatments as per clause 2.2.5 of the MUTCD Part 3: Works on roads. An RPEQ may also sign off on an area of expertise such as road design (side tracks), traffic modelling and so on.
Greys Consulting provide RPEQ certification services for various tasks associated with traffic and transport matters required by the DTMR.
Contact Us Today for a Quick Quote:
M: 0456 789 047
T: (02) 9809 2299
E : admin@greysconsulting.com.au