Road Safety Audit - Greys Traffic Engineering Consultancy

T: (02) 9809 2299
M: 0456 789 047
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Road Safety Audit
Road Safety Audit
Greys Consulting can competitively deliver high-quality, timely road safety audits. Our experienced staff can manage road safety audit projects of any type, size, or complexity.
Our experienced road safety audit team has extensive knowledge and practical first-hand experience conducting road safety audits at the following stages:
Stage 1 - Feasibility planning
Stage 2 - Preliminary design
Stage 3 - Detailed design
Stage 4 - Pre-opening to traffic
Stage 5 - Existing roads audit
And also:
Construction (roadworks) road safety audits

We take a practical, outcomes-focused approach to road safety audits. We assist our clients in understanding genuine road safety risks and how these could best be managed. We encourage our clients to engage early in the road safety audit process.
The earlier a project is audited within the design and development process, the better. This allows designers to use audit findings to eliminate potentially inappropriate concepts or treatments (i.e., those with inherent safety problems in the particular context).
Early auditing can also eliminate problems and minimise wasted design time at later stages. Removing safety problems at a later stage or once traffic is using the road is often challenging.
Our Road Safety Audit team members have conducted many road safety audits for local and state governments and the private sector. We have four accredited road safety auditors, three of whom are Level 3 (NSW) / Senior (QLD, VIC, WA) Road Safety Auditors capable of undertaking audits of varying complexity anywhere in Australia.

Some of our previous Road Safety Audits Include:
Balmain East Ferry Wharf Road Safety Audit - Design Stage
Sutherland Car Park, East, Road Safety Audit - Design Stage
Balmoral Road Carpark Post-Opening Audit (NorthWest Rail Link)
Balmoral Road Carpark Pre-Opening Audit (NorthWest Rail Link)
Commercial Road Driveway Pre-Opening Audit
Samantha Riley Dr Carpark Post-Opening Audit
Post-Opening Audit, Terrigal Drive Upgrade - Jessie Hurley Drive to Portsmouth Road
Sapphire to Woolgoolga - Pacific Highway - full opening at 100kmh
Temporary Riley T-way Station Car Park - Detailed Design
Warrego Highway Upgrade- Helidon to Withcott
Road Safety Audit
(02) 9809 2299
0456 789 047
SAT-SUN closed
Construction Traffic Management Plan
Swept Path Diagrams
AS2890 Parking Design
EV Charging Stations
Parking OC & CC

Road Safety Audit
Expert Witness
Sidra Modelling
Crash Investigations

Traffic Impact Assessment
Childcare Centres
Medical Centres
Residential Developments
Drive-thru Restaurants
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