About Us
Greys Consulting was founded in 2015. We are a fast-growing traffic engineering and transportation planning consulting firm in Sydney, NSW.
Greys' primary focus as a consultant company is to efficiently and timely provide niche services in traffic and transport projects within Australia at an affordable price for private and public sector clients.
Greys specialises in providing advanced and customised solutions to Traffic Impact Assessments for Development Applications, Construction Traffic Management Plans, Traffic Control Plans, Traffic Modelling and Road Safety Audits. It has a flexible organisation consisting of three main groups: Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, Road Safety Audits;
Staff are cross-trained to handle multiple tasks and have strong expertise in traffic and parking layout design, traffic and parking impact assessment of developments, construction traffic management plans, swept path diagrams, advanced intersection phasing and capacity analysis (SIDRA, HCM), microsimulation models (AIMSUN), and mesoscopic and macro strategic modelling (AIMSUN).
Greys Consulting offers clients a wide range of traffic engineering and transport planning services across Australia. Our transport engineering services include but are not limited to the following fields:
- Traffic and Transport Impact Assessments for DAs & Planning Proposals
- Parking Design & Compliance Check (including Driveway design, swept path analysis and ramp gradient transition advice for compliance with AS2890)
- EV Charging Station Parking Design Advice in various developments
- Construction Traffic Management Plans
- Operational Traffic Management Plans of various sites (Industrial, Educational, Events etc)
- Construction and Occupation Certificates in NSW (CC & OC)
- Traffic Guidance Schemes
- Sidra Intersection Modelling
- Local Traffic and Transport Studies
- Parking Studies
- Pedestrian & Cycling Studies
- Road Safety Audits and Assessments
- Providing Swept Path Diagrams using AutoTURN
- Providing Professional Advice on Legal Matters Associated with all Traffic Engineering Disputes
- Expert Witness in Traffic and Transport Matters
- Advocating Clients in the Land & Environment Court